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F.J. Blanco López "Mice Lacking Endoglin in Macrophages Show an Impaired Immune Response", "PLoS Genetics"
, vol.12, e1005935-, 2016
E. García Olivares "Impaired B cells survival upon production of inflammatory cytokines by HIV-1 exposed follicular dendritic cells"
, vol.13, 61-, 2016
M.C. Manzano Martín, M.D. Giron Gonzalez, J.D. Vilchez Rienda, N. Sevillano Tripero, N. El Azem-De Haro, R. Rueda-Cabrera, R. Salto Gonzalez
J.M. Lopez-Pedrosa,
"Apple polyphenol extract improves insulin sensitivity in vitro and in vivo in animal models of insulin resistance", "Nutrition & metabolism"
, vol.13, 32-, 2016
F.J. Blanco López "Transcription factor KLF6 upregulates expression of metalloprotease MMP14 and subsequent release of soluble endoglin during vascular injury", "Angiogenesis"
, vol.19, 155-171, 2016
M.J. Ruiz Magaña, R. Martínez-Aguilar, E. Lucendo, D. Campillo-Davó, K. Schulze-Osthoff
M.D.C. Ruiz Ruiz,
"The antihypertensive drug hydralazine activates the intrinsic pathway of apoptosis and causes DNA damage in leukemic T cells", "Oncotarget"
, vol.7, 21875-21886, 2016
R. Salto Gonzalez, J.D. Vilchez Rienda, M.D. Giron Gonzalez, M.E. Cabrera-Cazorla, N. Campos, M.C. Manzano Martín, R. Rueda Cabrera
J.M. Lopez-Pedrosa,
"ß-Hydroxy-ß-methylbutyrate (HMB) Promotes Neurite Outhgrowth in Neuro2a Cells", "PLoS One"
, vol.10, e0135614-, 2015
I. Tirado Gonzalez "4-methylumbelliferone inhibits hepatocellular carcinoma growth by decreasing IL-6 production and angiogenesis."
, vol.25, 825-835, 2015
P.C. Lara, J.J. Lopez Peñalver, V.D.A. Farias, M.D.C. Ruiz Ruiz, F.J. Oliver Pozo
J.M. Ruiz De Almodovar-Rivera,
"Direct and bystander radiation effects: A biophysical model and clinical perspectives ", "Cancer Letters"
, vol.356, 5-16, 2015
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024