@inproceedings{ Llorca-colomina_Puerta-sanabria_Martínez-aguilar_RUIZ_RUIZ_ABADÍA_GARCÍA,
author = { Tatiana Llorca-colomina and José Mª Puerta-sanabria and Rocío Martínez-aguilar and MARIA JOSE RUIZ MAGAÑA and MARIA DEL CARMEN RUIZ RUIZ and ANA C. ABADÍA MOLINA and ENRIQUE GARCÍA OLIVARES } ,
title = { Chemotactic activity of human endometrial stromal cells from menstrual blood and from endometriotic foci },
booktitle = { 4th Congress of the Society of Endometriosis and Uterine Disorders },
year = { 2018 },
pages = { None - None },
location = { Florencia (Italia) },