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M.J. Ruiz Magaña, J.M. Puerta, R. Martínez-Aguilar, T. Llorca, O. Blanco Muñoz, R. Muñoz Fernández, E. García Olivares
M.D.C. Ruiz Ruiz,
"Endometrial and Decidual Stromal Precursors Show a Different Decidualization Capacity", Reproduction, vol.160
, 83-91, 2020
R. Martínez-Aguilar, S. Romero Pinedo, M.J. Ruiz-Magaña, E. García Olivares, M.D.C. Ruiz Ruiz
A.C. Abadía Molina,
"Menstrual blood-derived stromal cells modulate functional properties of mouse and human macrophages", Scientific Reports, vol.10
, 21389-, 2020
M. Pedrosa-Rivera, M.J. Ruiz Magaña, J.I. Porras Sánchez, J. Praena Rodríguez, P. Torres Sánchez
M.D.C. Ruiz Ruiz,
"Neutron radiobiology studies with a pure cold neutron beam", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, vol.462
, 24-31, 2020
A.R. Silini, A.C. Abadía Molina, E. García Olivares, M.D.C. Ruiz Ruiz
O. Parolini,
"Perinatal Derivatives: Where Do We Stand? A Roadmap of the Human Placenta and Consensus for Tissue and Cell Nomenclature", Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, vol.8
, 610544-, 2020
M. Pedrosa-Rivera, M.J. Ruiz Magaña, P. Álvarez, J.I. Porras Sánchez, J. Praena Rodríguez, M. Sabariego Quintanilla, U. Köster
M.D.C. Ruiz Ruiz,
"Radiobiology Data of Melanoma Cells After Low-Energy Neutron Irradiation and Boron Compound Administration", Applied Radiation and Isotopes, vol.163
, 109205-, 2020
M. Pedrosa-Rivera, J. Praena Rodríguez, J.I. Porras Sánchez, M. Sabariego Quintanilla, U. Köster, M. Haertlein, V.T. Forsyth, J.C. Ramírez, C. Jover, D. Jimena, J.L. Osorio, P. Álvarez, M.D.C. Ruiz Ruiz
M.J. Ruiz-Magaña,
"Thermal Neutron Relative Biological Effectiveness Factors for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy from In Vitro Irradiations", Cells, vol.9
, 2144-, 2020
I. Porras, J. Praena, F. Arias De Saavedra, M.P. Sabariego, M. Pedrosa, F. Ogallar, P. Torres Sánchez, M.D.C. Ruiz Ruiz
M.J. Ruiz Magaña,
"Perspectives on Neutron Capture Therapy of Cancer", "Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms", 295-304, 2019
T. Llorca, M.J. Ruiz-Magaña, R. Martinez , M.D.C. Ruiz Ruiz, A.C. Abadía Molina
E. García Olivares,
"Chemotactic activity of human endometrial stromal cells from endometrium and endometriotic foci on leukocytes", "41 Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Inmunología", None-None, 2019
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024